All Around Pool & Spa is a full-service pool and spa center. Just call (601) 483-1944 or send us an email and we’ll be happy to send our qualified technicians to help!
- Liner Replacements
- Service Calls – We service:
- Cleaners
- Filters
- Pumps
- Motors
- Plumbing
- Etc
- Salt Systems – We sell and can install a salt system for your pool. All we need to know how many gallons your pool holds!
- Pool Cleanings
- Weekly pool cleanings: this service includes vacuuming, back washing, cleaning all baskets, chemical checks, and add chemicals, (using ours). Sometimes depending on the pool and the time of year we may be able to do every 2 weeks.
- Weekly Chemical checks: this service includes back washing, cleaning all baskets, and adding chemicals.
- Vacation cleanings: This service includes either a complete cleaning or just a chemical check.
- One time cleanings: This service includes the same as weekly cleanings
- Pool Openings: We will get your pool open and ready for the swimming season.
- Pool Closings: We will cover and winterize your pool for the winter
- Other Services
- Sand changes: Your sand needs to be changed in the filter every 2 years for above ground pools and every 3-4 years for in ground pools. We service residential and commercial pools.
- Leak Detection: We will come out and leak detect your liner pool to determine if your pool has a leak in it.
- Pressure Test: We will come out and pressure your plumbing lines for a leaks
- Water testing: Our store provides water testing for your pool or spa. We will need your water sample within 2 hours. The sample should be the same temperature as your pool water, 1-5 degrees difference is okay
Don’t hesitate to give us a call at (601) 483-1944 or email us whenever you have a pool or spa related problem!